Must Do's (and Dont's) to losing the baby weight for good!!

Do - Go slowly

I know we wish there was a magic pill that makes us lose weight with the snap of a finger but we all know it doesn’t work that way.  And really, I would argue that the small incremental shifts to a healthier you are far more rewarding anyhow.  

It sounds a bit cliche but it really is more about the journey than the destination.  And this life we are living is a journey...the end result doesn’t exist...we continue to change, to learn, to grow.  When you go slowly, you develop habits that stick and these small changes you make every day towards your bigger goal will lead you to not only a person at an ideal weight for you but a person that is happier, healthier, and living a life they love.  

Don’t - Go on a crash diet!  

The diet industry makes their money on our failures not on our successes!  Think about it.  Yet, so many people try diet after diet after diet and all this does is confuse your body even more so instead of losing weight we gain more weight when we finish ‘dieting’!  Extreme dieting can mess with our bodies on so many levels and we fail not because of our willpower but because our bodies re-adjust biologically.  Diets can mess with our hormones, our metabolism, and so much more so instead of trying the next hyped-up diet, try focusing on how you can make small tweaks and changes to how you eat, how you exercise and how you live your life on a daily basis.   We need to look at the big picture!

Do - Know your WHY

Why do you want to lose weight?  

Why do you really want to lose the weight?  

There is almost always a deeper, bigger reason than just how you want to look at your high school reunion?  It usually has to do with how you want to feel about yourself, how you would like to feel in your own skin.  Maybe you want more energy, to start feeling healthier, to be able to play with your kids or make sure you’re around when your kids get older and get married, etc.   I know we all want to lose weight quickly but it really is the small steps we make to prioritize ourselves and to remember why we are saying no to the fast-food drive-through and yes to the afternoon bike ride.  So figure out what YOUR WHY is?  This might change as you go along….  Write it down, read it every day, and every time you feel discouraged, look at your why...and keep your chin up and move forward!

Don’t - Be too hard on yourself

I know, I know, this is so much easier said than done.  I am certainly guilty of the negative self talk and really, there is just no point to it!  Actually, when you are trying to lose weight, it can totally work against you!  Being hard on yourself can sabotage all of your efforts.  We are all going to have moments in time where we make poor choices or days where we just fail.  Know this, FAILURE IS GOING TO HAPPEN.  Now that you know this, you can prepare for it!  So, when you hear yourself saying something like “I’ve already eaten a huge piece of cake - too late now...I might as well have the whole cake, sit in bed, and just give up!”  Stop it!  That piece of cake (or whatever it was) is such a small blip in time!  Take a deep breath, let it go and move forward.  It is okay to indulge every once in the while just remember it is the exception, not the rule.   In fact, eat every bite of that cake with joy, savor it!  Food is meant to be enjoyed.  You are doing more damage to your body and your efforts by the stress of depriving yourself or beating yourself up for eating it.

Do - Moderation  

Remember the 80/20 rule...yes, this is about living a life you love and that means not completely depriving yourself.  I know so many of us tend to think you have to go extreme but this doesn’t work in the long run - in fact, a tendency for extreme “healthy” weight loss changes usually ends in extreme behavior in self-sabotage.  Don’t you want to love your food and enjoy every morsel?  I love food, I love a few hours of being completely lazy on occasion….we all need these days, don’t we?!  

We have to have perspective and remember that it is all about moderation - what I mean by this is 80% of the time (or 75% or 90%) you eat clean, workout, stick to your healthy habits and 20% of the time (or get the message) you indulge a little.  Life is all about balance. eat that chocolate bar every once in while.   It should be the exception though, not the rule.

Don’t - go extreme

Here is the REAL talk.  Extreme changes, dieting, etc can definitely give you extreme results….but not the kind of results you will want!  This is what EXTREME (dieting, etc) can do to your body:  slows down your metabolism, break down of your muscles, malnutrition can set in, you can become dehydrated and tired, you won’t be as sharp - that is right the effect of extreme dieting on your brain is not a good thing!

Do- reduce your intake of carbs (but don’t give up all carbs)

Focus on eating the REAL and the NUTRIENT DENSE kind of carbs.  There are a lot of natural, real, and nutrient-dense foods that are considered carbs and they are so good for you: like quinoa, sweet potatoes, fruit (in moderation)To spell it out plainly - stop eating packaged food/processed foods (like chips, biscuits, crackers, some bread)  

Basically, all the food products come with a list of ingredients that you are not sure of...if you don’t know what this on that list of ingredients - your body doesn’t know either!  

Don’t - worry as much about calorie counting.  

Pay more attention to how your body feels.  Not all calories are created equally.  Just because it is low calorie - doesn’t mean it is good for you.  There are a ton of food products out there that market themselves as ‘low fat’, ‘low calorie’, ‘fat-free’ ‘sugar-free’ etc, etc.  Unfortunately, most of these food products are empty of nutrients and are just a (excuse my french…) a chemical shit storm!  Also, because they are such empty calories, you end up eating a lot more of it and will still be unsatisfied!   So, yes that avocado has plenty of fat and calories in it - but it is a far superior choice to that box of ‘low calorie’ biscuits!

Do - move your body every day

Every bit counts and even if you are starting off small, you just need to start making exercise a daily habit.  Change your mindset from ‘if I have time” to when do I have the time today”  Create more opportunities to move:  take a few minutes break while working to sweat, or workout at the park while your children play.  Get creative...just make sure you move that body...daily!

Don’t - just wing it when it comes to exercise

Plan, PREPARE and SCHEDULE it into your daily calendar.  Personally, I like to start my day off with about 10-15 minutes of movement.  Then, as soon as my little man goes down for his nap, I do a short HIIT workout (usually about 20 min) Of course I mix this up but this is what I do about 4-5 days a week.  Along with walks, playing in the park, and other incidental exercises I make sure movement is a big part of my day.  It is a priority that I plan and schedule exercise in and for long term weight loss success, you need to plan and schedule it in too!  It is an appointment that is just as important as any other business/doctor/other appt of the day!

Do - mix your exercise up!

Yoga, running, pilates, your favorite class at the gym...these are all great but not every day, it is so much better for you to mix it up.  Doing the same kind of exercise every day does not do any favors for your body or your weight loss journey because they can become ineffective and you will stop seeing results - it is what we call a plateau!  

So how do you get past this?  You need to mix things up - change the resistance, the speed, the activity you are doing.  This doesn’t mean that if you LOVE running (or whatever it is) that you should just give it up...just try doing it 3 days a week instead of 6...add in a HIIT on one day, strength training on another day, and yoga into into the mix.  The good thing about this is it makes working out more fun and interesting too! There are a lot of other reasons to cross-train/mix it up too.  You will give your body time to repair and reduce your risk of injury!  

Don’t - just do cardio

Ladies, ladies, ladies...YOU MUST DO MORE THAN CARDIO!  

Make sure you do some strength training - this is usually one of the most important things that so many women don’t do.  First off, will not all of a sudden get huge this is such a ridiculous myth!   Why is it so important?  Well, not only does weight training protect your joints & reduce your risk of injury, it increases muscle mass and increases your metabolic rate.  The great thing about training this way is you continue to burn calories for hours and hours after you’ve finished working out!  Although using weights is fantastic for this - you can build lean muscle mass by just using your body too. (this is how I do most of my workouts….if you want some ideas, check out

Do - weigh yourself

There are studies that show daily weighing is good but I personally believe it is good to track your progress on the scale but not every day.  1x a week or every other week is a good idea.  Research has shown that people who weigh themselves often are more likely to keep the weight probably because it builds awareness.  Just make sure when you do weigh yourself, that you do it around the same time of day, same circumstances, etc.  And keep in mind that it may fluctuate up and down...this is normal.  But if weighing yourself isn’t your thing. Pick out an outfit (of the nonstretchy variety!!) and notice how you feel in it and where it’s tight, etc….you can even take a picture.  Every month try that same outfit on and see how you progress….

Don’t - stress about the # on the scale though

One big reason you don’t want to weigh yourself every day is because we can go up and down by a few pounds just from water retention...have you ever weighed yourself the day after a tough workout when your whole body feels sore and heavy?  I have and it is not a good idea!  Just keep this in mind about the number on the scale:  ‘weight’ is more than just muscle & fat (including water, food intake, poop, that time of the month, etc)   Also,  There are a lot of other ways to measure your progress as well like: taking pictures of yourself monthly in the same outfit & measuring your waist, hips, legs, arms etc.

Do - plan out your meals for the week

If you do not have a plan - you can plan on failing!!  Planning is the KEY to your success.  Spend one day a week planning, shopping, and prepping your food for the week ahead.  It is also a really good idea to eat more at home and not out at the restaurants!  I go a lot more into detail on this in my free ebook so check that out!  

Don’t - wait until you are hungry to figure out what you're going to eat

You definitely don’t want to shop hungry either!  Have healthy snacks already prepped and displayed in your refrigerator and pantry so that when you need a snack - you choose healthy.  I like to chop and display lots of crunchy veggies in glass containers at eye level in the refrigerator.  I also put mixed nuts and seeds in glass jars in the pantry and have berries or other fruit and avocado in baskets on the counter.  And, my go to snack is always easy to find:  thick organic brown rice cakes and peanut butter...the kind that just has nuts in it! Yummy!

Do - drink more water

So much of the time, our hunger pains are just thirsty cues.  First off, always drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning.  It should be the first thing you put in your mouth.  Think about it.  You have been fasting for quite a few hours while you sleep and your body is dehydrated.  Here are a few good tips for drinking water.  Try having warm water and lemon first thing every morning and try having a big glass of cold water before every might just help you to eat less!

Don’t - drink diet sodas, juices, etc, etc

Most drinks are loaded with fake stuff, sugar (or worse...fake sugar) and you are just sabotaging yourself with these drinks.  Even ‘sports drinks’ aren’t doing you any favors.  These are great if you are running a marathon and need to get in those electrolytes but the other stuff they add to them are so not good for you.  Need electrolytes - Try a coconut water instead.   Try sparkling water with a splash of citrus if you are craving the bubbles.  

Do - keep a food journal

It helps us watch our food patterns, keeps us accountable, and we tend to eat better when we know we have to write everything down so it will keep us on track toward our goals.  While you are at it, start tracking your exercise too!

Do - Eat protein and vegetables at every meal.  

Make sure you get in that protein….especially the first meal of the day!  Unfortunately, the western diet has marketed a lof high sugar, high carb ‘breakfast’ foods and most of us are starting off our days lacking a lot of important nutrients.  It is not as hard as you may think though...just get that protein and Veg into every meal.  Eggs, mini frittatas for on the go, green protein shake...there are endless possibilities! And, eat as many simple vegetables as you want...just don’t douse every vegetable in the pre-made sauce!

Don’t - think you need bread simple carbs at every meal

I know my Mom will not like to hear this but, stop filling up on the bread at mealtime.  It seems like every Italian Restaurant likes to start the meal off with a basket of bread (and my family likes their bread at dinner too)  But, this is definitely not doing your body any favors…Most bread is nutrient-poor empty calories period.  Start getting in the habit of just saying the bread!

Do- SLEEP more and sleep more consistently

Sleep is SO important for so many reasons but a big one is Weight loss!!  Research from The Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet tell us that our lack of sleep may increase hunger and negatively affect the body's metabolism, which you guessed it, makes it far more difficult to maintain or lose weight.  

Don’t - skimp on your sleep

Sleeping more will increase your metabolism, give your body time to rest and recover, and suppresses your appetite.  It is vital to get your 8 hours of sleep at night.  I know that getting to bed earlier is a hard habit to start but it is a really important one.  It will also help you stay away from those late-night snacks while scanning the t.v. to watch a whole lot of nothing!  Sleep more, weigh less!  (ps. need sleep help - ask me about CBD)

Do - make specific, measurable, and attainable goals and write them down

Having these goals will help you get really clear on what it is you really want and help motivate you to get out of your head and start taking action!  Once you start achieving your goals - this will help you see how the progress you are making and help you celebrate all of the wins...however small!

Don’t - make goals that are too vague or broad

The point of a specific, attainable, and measurable goal is to own it!  You need to be able to connect with it and when you get really clear and make it a SMART goal - it makes it more concrete.  You can picture it, feel it, and it will propel you to move forward!

 Do - eat sitting down

Plate up your food and use utensils.  Be conscious of your eating and enjoy every morsel.  Slow down, chew your food.

Don’t - eat standing up

We don’t pay attention to how much we are eating when we eat straight out of the containers the food came in, etc.  You start eating mindlessly this way.

Do - celebrate the small wins

Every day, every choice you make towards your goals should be acknowledged and celebrated.  Better yet, write them all down and look at the growing list of wins every time you need a little extra's all of the small wins that add up to you achieving your goals!

Don’t - stress about everything you have eaten or done or not done

The stress hormone cortisol can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals so the stress itself can be far more detrimental to your weight loss than your Mom’s amazing chocolate cake!

Obviously, I have a lot to say on this and my hope is at least 1 of these do’s and don’ts help you! I’d love to hear in the comments!


How do we reduce overwhelm?


Chia and Coconut Pudding