How do we reduce overwhelm?

How do we reduce that overwhelm and get to that happy place during these uncertain times?

It's simple, we practice gratitude.

I know, you've heard it all before "practice gratitude"  But hear me out...Here are 5 ways to help you APPRECIATE the good in your life every day

This is an extraordinary time, I don't know about you but finding the balance of work, children, while being at home ALL the TIME is a lot to take in!   I have lots of things I'd love to talk about but I wanted to start with the single most important habit that can make all the difference to you during this time.   

Did you know that you cannot be anxious and grateful at the same time? 

If you follow me, you already know I have my daily routine that includes gratitude, exercise, affirmations, meditation (and a big cup of coffee)  but the daily practice of GRATITUDE or as I like to say,  APPRECIATION is the one habit that will make the biggest positive impact on how you live each moment of your day.  I like to sit down and take a few minutes every day (with a pen to paper) to do this but it is more important that you just do it. I truly hope these 5 tips help you as they've helped me.  


5 ways to help you APPRECIATE all the good in your life every day

1.  Start by appreciating something or someone that you would ordinarily take for granted.  As a mom, one of the most peaceful and beautiful things I've done lately is to listen to the sound of my boys sleeping. I stand in their room in complete silence and listen to them breathing before I go to bed. Just a few seconds is enough for me to gain a profound sense of gratitude for their lives and the beauty they have brought to my world.

2. Appreciate the seemingly insignificant things that you take for granted. Grocery stores! So what if you have to wait! You can line up and buy food and you still have a choice. Are you aware of the millions of people who can't do this even on a good day in their lives, let alone a pandemic? You have water and power! And guess what, even if you don't pay your bill, it won't be cut off. The internet! We can chat with our families and friends at any time we need. We can get the latest Coronavirus updates or immerse ourselves in feel-good stories that are abundant right now (have a look at John Krasinski's Youtube channel, "SGN")
3. Appreciate this time and the challenge that it has placed into your life. There are lessons to be learned during this time of hardship so please acknowledge and make the most of them. Where was your focus before this mess? Your job? Your income? Your mortgage? Your house renovation? Your 401K? Yes, all seemingly important things. You will get through them and get over them eventually, no matter what form they take in the future. Did they take up a little too much of your time, thoughts and energy? Where is your focus right now? You children? Home-schooling? The Zoom meeting with your family? Your parents? Have you reconnected with the important people in your life? Are you finding out things about your children or your significant other you didn't know or had forgotten? My children are 6 and 3, both boys. The eldest understands that something is quite different but he's ok with it because he's so happy that he has his parents and his 3-year-old brother around him constantly. He couldn't be happier! He hasn't gotten anything wrong or misread the situation, he's simply living in the moment. 

4. Speaking of 'living in the moment' or 'being present', this is an incredible opportunity for growth. Unfortunately, both terms have become quite a cliche but don't let this negate the truth. Remember that the 'present moment' is quite literally, all we ever have. Please stop and think about this. We can't live in the past nor can we live in the future yet so many of us have become slaves to our memory (past) and our imagination (future). The present moment is all there ever is! We can only live our lives in the 'now' of course, but what does this mean? Simple. When you decide what reaction you're going to have to the present moment (your present circumstances) you're really deciding your relationship with life. Do you see the importance of this? Make friends with whatever is happening to you right now and accept your situation. This doesn't mean that we sit back and do nothing. Take action if you need to of course, but don't fight 'what is'. It's pointless and harmful. There's incredible power in acceptance and it gives the 'action' that we take so much more power as it comes from a much deeper part of our consciousness than a simple reaction to fear. Understanding this will literally change your life if you allow it to.  Believe me, I am still working on this - every. single. day. 

5. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. It's a habit in our family at dinner time that we verbally acknowledge the good things that we encountered that day whether it be people or circumstances. We do this in the form of prayer but if you're not comfortable with this, simply go around the table and verbalize your thoughts. Our three-year-old boy does this when it's his turn. It's almost always "Nana and Opa", and that's fine. He acknowledges that there's good in his life and says so. It makes me realize the impact that my parents are having on him which I'm then even more grateful for. Don't keep your gratitude to yourself! Tell your family, your friends, even your neighbors that you love and appreciate them.  


Finally, remember this: We cannot control what is going on in the world right now, but we do have control of how we show up every day, we can choose to be in acceptance of what is and move forward with gratitude. We can control our attitude and effort.

I am sure we are all going to have more moments of overwhelm and where the Sh*t hits the fan but... right now, EVERYTHING really is OKAY.  Keep going back to RIGHT NOW.  And, if the worst-case does happen, are you going to be better equipped to deal with it by sitting in worry and stress?  Nope. You're going to be better equipped to deal with it by being present, staying healthy, exercising, and staying grounded in gratitude.

With so much love and gratitude, Jeni

PS.  Did you know I'm doing free virtual zoom workouts every single day?  This is a great way to jump-start your GRATITUDE.  Get in the know and on the list to get your reminders and join a positive group of people all sweating the stress away together.  Click the link below!! 



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