Salmon & Sweet Potato Cakes

I LOVE these Salmon & Sweet Potato Cakes

Here is a very quick and easy weeknight lunch, dinner, or snack to have in the refrigerator.

This is a healthy and clean salmon cake recipe that I've made combining a few different recipes I've found online. I found this recipe long ago, when my little guy wanted to eat everything by himself..and things were getting very messy at our house.

Not only do we both think these cakes are super yummy,  and are chock-full of good nutrients! 


2 415g/13.5(ish) cans of wild salmon (WITH THE BONES and skin)

1 large sweet potato cooked and mashed

2/3 cups of Almond Meal or breadcrumbs

1/3 cup fresh chopped parsley

1/4 cup fresh chopped dill

2 TBS of onion chopped (or green onion)

1 TBS of fresh-squeezed lemon juice

2 large eggs

salt and pepper to taste

*YES, the bones need to be kept in!  Don't skip out on the richest source of calcium....all of the calcium is in the bones of the canned salmon. They are soft and super easy to mash up and eat. For more information on other dairy free calcium-rich foods see: 

*Breadcrumbs will work just fine too but the Almond Meal isn't processed and is far more nutrient-dense*

If you don't have fresh herbs or just want to mix it up?  

Try any variety of herbs:  such as 1t cumin, 1t of paprika, and a bit of hot sauce!)


After sweet potato is cooked and mashed, add everything to a large bowl and stir together until well combined.  (yes, just mash the bones in with everything else)

Spread parchment onto a baking sheet and use your hands or a 1/3 measuring cup to scoop out evenly sized patties.  

Put the baking sheet into the refrigerator for a while to chill.  

Then take it out and cook the cakes.  

You have 2 options and I have done both.

Fry: heat frying pan to med/high using either butter/ghee/coconut oil and fry about 4 min on each side

or Bake: just keep them on the baking sheet and cook at 180C/350F on Fan Forced for about 20 min flipping the cakes one time. 


Serve with a fabulous green salad or just eat on their own. 


Ah, Mom guilt…