Ah, Mom guilt…
The Perfect Mom Doesn't Exist!
I LOVE my boys more than words, but, this is about something else...
If you're a mom, you know what I'm talking about.
Mom guilt is this pervasive monster we've created in our society, and it can strike at any time!
We berate ourselves and feel judged by others for not being enough. For not being the stereotypical "perfect" mom.
Mom guilt rears its ugly head in so many ways for me.
It's when I want to work on the business that I LOVE that brings me so much JOY, but I feel guilty for taking just a couple of hours to do MY own thing.
It happens when I'm watching or listening to other seemingly perfect moms doing things that I'm not doing. WHY AM I NOT DOING THOSE THINGS?! Can you relate?
It happens when I scream and lose it at my sons. Because, believe it or not, I can't always keep my cool.
It happens when I feel judged by other moms (who probably aren't actually judging me).
It might look different for you, but here's the thing; it's self-inflicted. It's ridiculous, and I, for one, am giving it up. Leaving it in the past. Kissing it goodbye. Will you join me?
Here's the thing: we are all doing our very best, and we all do things a bit differently. So we need to stop comparing ourselves to other moms!
The perfect "Pinterest Mom" doesn't exist. Pinterest lies; not everyone is meal prepping, baking, and crafting perfect things with their children!
You are more than your children!
You can still be YOU outside of THEM, and that's okay. It's actually healthy, so don't put yourself last because that will only teach them that they should do the same...
Instead, teach them how important it is to take care of YOU!
Want to get rid of the mom guilt? Here are a few things you can do NOW.
1. Stop following people that don't bring you joy and make you feel like you're not good enough, even if that person is me. I hope not though!
2. My hubby and I've created a no phone/distraction zone from 5-8 pm every day to make sure the time we are with our boys means we are fully PRESENT. This has been GAME-CHANGING
3. Get up a little earlier than you need and create a morning routine that's JUST FOR YOU!
4. Get perspective: remember this is not going to last forever and remind yourself that we are all doing the best we can.
5. Show some love to another mom that you might not always agree with or that seems overwhelmed because she's probably feeling the same things you are...
6. If you’re totally unfocused with everything and still feeling guilty - stop and give in. Let yourself be with those littles and let the other stuff go. Better yet, get outside and play then get back to it when you’re feeling better:)