Feeling Overwhelmed & Making the Time to Exercise!
Sometimes…this is me…
Overwhelmed, frustrated, time short, pulled in a million directions, and sometimes I am wondering what I am even doing as an entrepreneur...This online business thing is so overwhelming to me sometimes. (but these are also super normal feelings!)
I feel like tasks that should take me 5 min ends up taking me 2 hours -been there?
My hubby said I should write about my frustrations and it occurred to me that many of us feel these same emotions about daily exercise.
We know we need to do it and that it will make us feel better when we do fit it into our day. But, we are frustrated that we can't get it done. Our days seem to run away from us and we end up feeling like we have wasted so much time spinning our wheels. We have spent hours doing so much for everyone else and have left nothing in the tank for ourselves.
I want to help you make time to exercise - EVERY DAY.
You can do this, it’s not as hard as you may think. I can confidently admit that exercise isn't something I don't have time for...I always make time for some sort of movement in my day.
For me, exercise is non-negotiable. Sometimes I don't know when, how, or where but I always make it happen. I have days where I have 10-minute spurts of exercise scattered throughout the day. And, those short workouts are sometimes even more effective and beneficial than a long workout session.
My own struggle with my own business is perhaps similar to your struggle to make time for YOU. Perhaps you are trying to wrap my head around a whole new habit (exercise, nutrition, etc) It is so overwhelming, and sometimes you don't know how or what to do or even where to start?
I am here to tell you that you just have to start.
Start small, be gentle, and loving to yourself but you have to make it a priority in your own life and take that 1 small step EVERY DAY.
I am telling myself this with my own business frustrations too so I am right there with you! I can absolutely help you when it comes to the exercise habit!
This is one habit I have mastered and I want you to make it a priority in your life too because I know that the benefits of daily movement reach far, far more than the physical.
You will find that when you make time to exercise...you will feel better mentally, emotionally, and yes...physically.
I don't always feel like exercising but I do it anyhow. Why? Well, maybe I am feeling overwhelmed/angry/______(fill in the blank) - just 5 minutes of sweat and an accelerated heart rate - I am always, always, always better after a workout.
So instead of feeling overwhelmed, and frustrated that you haven't made this a habit, Get organized!
Here are 7 tips & tools that I hope will help you get on your way.
Start your day off with a few minutes of movement first thing in the morning. Research has shown that people who exercise first thing in the morning, tend to exercise more consistently than anyone else. Not only that, but no matter what happens throughout the rest of your day, you will feel like you've accomplished something when you move your body in the am. Your day will start off on a high note and the daily stresses will be easier to manage.
Schedule it into each day- organize your day first thing in the morning...or better yet...the night before. Put it on the calendar just like any other important appointment. Give yourself an alert and make sure at the allocated time - you make it happen.
Stop and give yourself 5 or 10 (minutes, squats, pushups, etc) before you start a chore/errand or anything else you need to do...we all have a few spare minutes scattered throughout our days.
Find an accountability partner - having someone to keep us on track and remind us of the bigger picture will help us when the going gets tough or when you just need to vent, get a little extra motivation, brag about your accomplishments, etc.
Write down your exercise activity- just like a food journal helps us stay on track with our diet, writing down our daily activity helps us stay on track on our fitness journey.
Start paying attention to all the indications that exercise is having a positive impact on your life - for example, better fitting clothes, sleeping more soundly, thinking more clearly, eating healthier overall (it is true that when you exercise regularly, you tend to want to eat better too), feeling less stressed, having more patience with everyone (but especially our loved ones), having more energy, feeling more productive and the list goes on and on and on.
Just start by going through the motions - sometimes we just don't feel motivated at all. So be gentle with yourself. Tell yourself you only need to move for 5 (or 10 min) and after that time has passed if you still really aren't feeling it...give yourself permission to stop and not feel bad about it. I promise you that most of the time, you will keep going!
So are you feeling motivated but still don't know where to start?
Here is an easy little routine you can do to get yourself going.
Get out your smartphone & start the stopwatch.
Why not try it now?
Even if you have time just for round 1....it is only 6 minutes of your time!
Round 1:
do exercises 1-6 for 30 sec and then rest for 30 seconds
Round 2: do exercises 1-6 for 40 sec and rest for 20 sec
jumping jacks
running in place
high knees
bicycle crunches
Try doing 1-4 rounds! Easy Peasy:)
It is all about the small positive shifts you make every day that add up to your greatest successes!
Do this for yourself because it will make you a happier person!
“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” - Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
So, are you ready to commit to a daily round of movement? How about a commitment of 30 days or if that is too much 7 days... You don't even have to do a specified amount of time. Just 10 min will do wonders for you...but you have to take the first step and stick to this new habit. It is your responsibility though...You deserve to feel your very best!
And y’all know I love helping with this - book in a live zoom class with me or use my 10-day Jumpstart (free in my virtual workout library) or reach out to me directly to chat and see if I can help!!