3 Simple Habits for your Weight Loss Goals

Whether you’re aiming to lose some weight or maintain your ideal figure, habits are of paramount importance to your success. They say it takes at least 21 days to create a habit. Other studies have revealed it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. While the magic number for forming a habit is still in dispute, one thing is for sure; you have to start doing it to transform it into a habit. You can start by doing one thing for seven days, then push for 14, then a month, until it becomes part of your lifestyle. Now I know everybody has weight goals so here are three simple habits you can start creating for yourself. Once these habits become automatic they’ll make an enormous difference. This is one area of health and fitness that I’ve personally become very successful in.

1. Exercise for 30 minutes every day

Why are you telling us this Jeni? Isn’t it obvious?? Believe me, it isn’t to many people. Weight loss for many can be a diet only process. It may be not eating foods that they know are detrimental to their weight loss goals, going on a pre-programmed diet or simply eating less.I have been training clients as a certified personal trainer and I can see the impact of workouts in their lives. You don’t have to suddenly jump from a couch potato to a marathon runner in a few days. Just put in thirty minutes of workout in your day. Don’t forget to mix it up because our body can easily get used to workout routines. Don’t spend the whole week running around the neighborhood or doing yoga. Try high-intensity interval training one day, running the next day, yoga on other days, and simple stretching exercises the rest of the week.

2. Drink More Water

We’ve been told to drink at least eight glasses of water daily ever since we were kids. But are we really sticking to this habit? We all know how important water is for our energy. Drinking water can also help in curbing our hunger as sometimes we’re actually thirsty even though we feel hungry. Strictly speaking, the amount of water we should drink depends on our weight, daily activity and where you live, so if you’d like to have a more accurate measurement of this, have a look at this link. Personally, I recommend drinking a glass of warm water and lemon every morning to start your day. I wrote intensively about this here. You can drink a big glass of water every time you sit down to eat or get into the habit of carrying a water bottle. Just make sure you create the habit of drinking enough water for your body every single day.

3. Fast for 8-10 hours every day

When people hear the word “fasting” they immediately think the worst. Intermittent fasting is something that is easy to incorporate safely into your life. If you think about it, we tend to naturally fast when we sleep, then in the morning we ‘break-our-fast’ with breakfast. If you’re guilty of taking a bite or two before sleeping then this may be the reason for that unwanted weight. Your body needs to rest its organs and take a break from digesting food. The best time to do this is when you’re sleep but if you indulge in a midnight snack your body spends its energy digesting the food while you’re sleeping. Don’t eat anything three hours before bedtime to make sure your body fasts for at least eight hours. Track your progress for seven days to see how this simple habit helps in your weight goals. For many of you, these three habits may seem obvious but are you really putting them into practice? They need to become a habitual part of your daily regime. You’ll achieve this by repetition, repetition and a little bit of repetition.Need a little extra help reaching your goals? Send me a message and let’s chat!!Want weekly information on fitness and nutrition? LIKE my Facebook page


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