Why drink warm lemon water? Here are 5 reasons to start today
I have been drinking warm water with lemon every morning for many years now. It just feels right to have water before anything else and I know that it helps wake me up, and it gets things moving for me (wink, wink) but when I started promoting this healthy habit to my clients, I thought I should get a little more specific…It is beneficial to have ANY water first thing in the morning because our body has been sleeping and is usually quite dehydrated. Our internal organs have been busy rejuvenating themselves so drinking water first thing in the morning before any coffee or food is doing your body a HUGE favor...but there are a few more specific reasons that the lemon and warm water really help!
It helps with your digestion:
The warm water helps flush out unwanted toxins from the digestive system. It does this by encouraging our liver to produce bile, which is an acid that is needed for digestion.The digestive qualities of the lemon will also help with those suffering from bloating, indigestion, or heartburn.
It boosts your immune system:
Our immune system needs a good dose of vitamin c to work at its best and lemons are a really good natural source of vitamin c. Therefore drinking lemon water first thing in the morning will not only re-hydrate you, it will give your body a chance to absorb vitamin c more effectively. The vitamin c also has anti-inflammatory effects. Lemons are also high in potassium, which not only helps with nerve and brain function but also helps control your blood pressure.
It can be a really good tool in weight loss:
Lemons are high in Pectin, a fiber that helps fight off hunger pains. In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise - the warm water and lemon makes a difference in how your body digests the food you are eating. And, by starting your day off with this healthy habit, it could help you continue to make healthy habits through out your day.
It is said to balance the pH levels:
Lemons are known to be one of the most alkalizing foods for our bodies. This is hard to understand because they are such an acidic food however once metabolized in the body, the weak acids of the lemon (both citric and ascorbic acid) easily metabolize and allow the mineral content to alkalize the blood. Drinking lemon water regularly will help balance the acidity in our bodies overall.
Energizes your body and mind:
Besides all of the other great stuff, it just hydrates and oxygenates your body making you feel refreshed, revitalized, and ready to take on the day. I know for me, having a large glass of water in the am and throughout the day just helps clear the mind and gives me a good dose of energy, now who doesn’t want that?